Polystyrene Pipe Cover, Application: For Industrial/Commercial Piping Applications, Compressive Strength: 20 psi, Construction: Equal Curved Side Wall Segment, Density: 1.6 pcf, Flame Spread Index: 5, Insulation Thickness: 2 in, Iron Pipe Size: 24 in IPS, Material: Extruded Polystyrene, Smoke Developed Index: 165, Temperature Rating: -297 to 165 deg F, Thermal Conductivity: 0.259 Btu-in/hr-sq-ft-deg F, Water Vapor Permeability: 1.5 perm-in, Water Vapor Sorption: 0.5 to 1 %
Application : For Industrial/Commercial Piping Applications
Compressive Strength : 20 psi
Construction : Equal Curved Side Wall Segment
Density : 1.6 pcf
Flame Spread Index : 5
Insulation Thickness : 2 in
Iron Pipe Size : 24 in IPS
Item Name : Polystyrene Pipe Cover
Material : Extruded Polystyrene
Smoke Developed Index : 165
Temperature Rating : -297 to 165 deg F
Thermal Conductivity : 0.259 Btu-in/hr-sq-ft-deg F
Water Vapor Permeability : 1.5 perm-in
Water Vapor Sorption : 0.5 to 1 %