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Elastomeric Adhesives

  • Manufacturer: Armacell
  • Brand: ArmaFlex
  • DI Part #: RUAD5201LVBKA
  • Manufacturer Part #: AAD520006B

ArmaFlex ArmaFlex® 520 Elastomeric Adhesive, Size: 1 gal, Color: Black, Application: For Joining Foam Insulation Seams, Special Features: Low VOC, Temperature Rating: -297 to 220 deg F, Form: Liquid, Odor: Acetone, Composition: 60 to 100% Acetone, 10 to 30% Acrylonitrile/Butadiene Copolymer, p-tert-Butylphenol-Formaldehyde Resin, 0.1 to 1% 6,6'-di-tert-Butyl-2,2'-Methylene-di-p-Cresol, Cure Time: 36 hr, Specific Gravity: 0.88, Flash Point: -4 deg F, Boiling Point: >133 deg F, Vapor Density: 2, Vapor Pressure: 180 mm Hg, VOC: 0 g/L, Flammability Rating: 2.5% Lower, 12.8% Upper, Shelf Life: 1 year, Coverage: 200 sq-ft, Tack Free Time: 3 to 5 min

Application   : For Joining Foam Insulation Seams

Boiling Point   : >133 deg F

Color   : Black

Composition   : 60 to 100% Acetone, 10 to 30% Acrylonitrile/Butadiene Copolymer, p-tert-Butylphenol-Formaldehyde Resin, 0.1 to 1% 6,6'-di-tert-Butyl-2,2'-Methylene-di-p-Cresol

Coverage   : 200 sq-ft

Cure Time   : 36 hr

Flammability Rating   : 2.5% Lower, 12.8% Upper

Flash Point   : -4 deg F

Form   : Liquid

Item Name   : Elastomeric Adhesive

Odor   : Acetone

Shelf Life   : 1 year

Size   : 1 gal

Special Features   : Low VOC

Specific Gravity   : 0.88

Sub Brand   : ArmaFlex 520

Tack Free Time   : 3 to 5 min

Temperature Rating   : -297 to 220 deg F

VOC   : 0 g/L

Vapor Density   : 2

Vapor Pressure   : 180 mm Hg

ArmaFlex 520 BLV is a low VOC contact adhesive developed to meet application requirements for reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds. It is excellent for joining seams and butt joints of ArmaFlex pipe and sheet insulation for line temperatures upto 200 deg F. 520 BLV adhesive makes a resilient and heat resistant bond with many materials where the use of a toluene free, hexane free, low VOC, solvent based rubber contact adhesive is required. Its black color helps achieve a neater, cleaner installation.

  • Dried film also meets 25/50 flame spread index and smoke developed index requirements of codes and specifications when tested by ASTM E 84 method

Standards/Certifications: ASTM E84|ISO 9001:2008 Certified|SCAQMD 1168

  • pdf SDS https://15000dii.stage.cimm2.com//ASSETS/DOCUMENTS/ITEMS/EN/SDS_ArmaFlex520BLVAdhesive.EN.US.2019.pdf
  • pdf Specification Sheet https://15000dii.stage.cimm2.com//ASSETS/DOCUMENTS/ITEMS/EN/RUAD520QLVBKA_SS.pdf